Month: February 2019

  • Asbestos removal, firming up the way forward

    Asbestos removal, firming up the way forward

    Met with the QS, electrician, and builder this morning at the house to discuss all of the findings to date, and agree on what has to be done. Wiring The short of it (the puns, they hurt!) is that the house wiring is not up to code, and cannot be certified. With a plumber getting…

  • Waterworks are go

    Waterworks are go

    After the shock (pardon the pun) of being told that my house wiring is effectively condemned, I left the plumbers and builder to get on with sorting out trenches and plumbing. Came back this evening to see what’s been done. Irish Water say they need about a day of notice to do the new meter…

  • Well, that was unexpected

    Well, that was unexpected

    Up at the property this morning for 0730 to meet the electrician and the builder for the morning council on what’s to be done. Walked through the house with the electrician, pointed out where I wanted more sockets, discussed changing the extractor fan in the bathroom and so on. Talked about doing a full inspection…

  • Itโ€™s amazing what can be done in a day

    It’s amazing what can be done in a day

    Left the property at 9 am after talking to the builder, fireplace guy, and plumber/gas guys. Told the builder what was ok in terms of holes cut into walls etc, and left them to it. The drain path for the porch downpipe has been kango’d into the ground, The porch top slab has been turned…

  • Some steps forward

    Some steps forward

    The top concrete slab has been removed; in places, it looks like it was on sand that had been coloured with cement, and in other places it was actually closer to the 3:1 mix that it should have been. Two distinct patches of damp showed up when the slab was removed – one by the…

  • Weekend investigation

    Weekend investigation

    The poking over the weekend has determined that there are some definite issues to resolve. Water pressure and piping The water pressure off of the mains is far too low; with all the stopcocks wide open, I can drain the cold storage tank by running the bath faster than the mains supply can refill it.…