Category: Property

  • Plumbing adventures

    Plumbing adventures

    Since the renovation in 2019, the cylinder-fed hot water supply in the house has had air in it. Constantly. Every day. So I’d go to take a shower, and have to clear a bunch of air out of the feed before the shower would be happy. Worse, it would occasionally feed air mid-shower too, which…

  • Where does the cold come from?

    Where does the cold come from?

    I recently had a thermal survey done by as a precursor to doing any further remedial works on the property, such as changing out the windows. While not cheap, the data furnished (in the form of IR photos) is invaluable and points out several changes I can make that won’t cost a lot of…

  • Progress on the workshop

    Progress on the workshop

    With some help from Mum over Christmas, the workshop is in a near functional state. Bench is built, backing for a cleat wall is installed, and the MDF top for the bench went on yesterday. I tried to be fancy with the way the legs attached to the aprons, but reversed the direction of wood…

  • Renovating the studio – parts 24 and 25

    Renovating the studio – parts 24 and 25

    With the skim coat finally a consistent colour, I was able to get two base coats and a soft sheen coat on. Good thing I mentioned what I was doing to the guy at the local hardware store, otherwise I might have put vinyl-based paint right on to the skim coat, and it would have…

  • Renovating the studio – parts 22 and 23

    Renovating the studio – parts 22 and 23

    Well, the builder is finished, and itโ€™s now a case of waiting for the light fixtures to arrive so the sparky can install them.

  • Renovating the studio – part 21

    Renovating the studio – part 21

    Today’s work was the skimming of the workshop, and dealing with a crack in the wall outside the bathroom. The crack in the wall outside of the bathroom looked like it might go all the way through the wall (as there’s a matching crack on the outside), but it turned out to just be settlement.…