Tag: Housegate

  • Structural issues, more damp

    Structural issues, more damp

    Well, it turns out it’s a good thing I asked the builder to strip the kitchen interior wall (shared with the living room); that rotted bit of wood that we thought only held up the steps above it also holds up the RSJ that braces the bedroom floor, the balcony joists, and the roof at…

  • Opening up the nook, rotten wood, why is the bathroom so high?

    Opening up the nook, rotten wood, why is the bathroom so high?

    Yesterday morning, I suggest to the builder that if it would make it easier, he could strip the final wall in the kitchen, so that the plasterboard would be flush from one end to the other. Who tell me say that? Anyway, half of the wet wall (ie, the wall to the outside where the…

  • Making progress everywhere

    Making progress everywhere

    Well, the hot cylinder is moving to under the boiler, the boiler is coming off of the current wall and moving on to the wall next to it (90 degree turn), all the piping and motorised valves have to move, the bathroom for bedroom 3 is covered in tile backer board (insulated, concrete).. something has…

  • Rendering walls, examining showers

    Rendering walls, examining showers

    Pretty much all of the bonding on walls has now been removed in the house, and sand/cement render has taken its place. The piping in the closet (to the cylinder) is looking a bit out of place at the moment, and the builder is suggesting “hey, what if we move the cylinder?” – to be…

  • Gutting the kitchen, ensuite

    Gutting the kitchen, ensuite

    The membrane that was down in the kitchen appeared to have been sweating the floor, and transmitting moisture from the edges towards the centre. With it lifted up out of the way, it’s become very evident that the slab itself is lovely and dry, it’s just the channel between the slab and the walls that…

  • Deconstructing bedroom 3

    Deconstructing bedroom 3

    After I left on Friday, the builders got on with making things go away. With the mouldy and damp plasterboard removed, it becomes clearer that remodelling the room could work out quite well. The shower wall turns into a door that opens inwards and left, and the existing door is turned into a wall. Replace…