Category: Code

  • Adventures with FreeSWITCH and FusionPBX part deux

    Adventures with FreeSWITCH and FusionPBX part deux

    At the end of the last installment, I’d been dealing with unavailable servers (turns out they were moving between datacenters, and there didn’t seem to be any announcement of this), and compiles that refused to compile. I decided to cut my losses for a bit, and move on to getting functionality like inbound calls working.…

  • Report URI is a good thing

    Report URI is a good thing

    I listen to a few infosec related podcasts, and follow a few people on Twitter in that space. In this particular instance, Scott Helme and Troy Hunt – they built a service called Report URI, and it’s fantastic. It implements a reporting service for violations of Content Security Policy declarations, which can turn up some…

  • Adventures with FreeSWITCH and FusionPBX

    Adventures with FreeSWITCH and FusionPBX

    Asterisk, running on one of my Pis, has been giving me grief recently and dropping calls at random times for apparently random reasons. It reports that it loses contact with the gateway, or that after 11 seconds a critical packet wasn’t received (usually on call setup), or that there’s been no RTP traffic, even when…

  • Setting up Pi-Hole in LXC

    Setting up Pi-Hole in LXC

    I already have AdGuard installed on the Windows PC (at the network layer), but I’m starting to reconsider running browser extensions and their ilk – they’re executing with potentially full rights in the DOM (AdGuard injects JS to manage things for instance), and all it takes is one of them being sold/pwned, and my data…

  • Adventures in ESP8266 land (1/n)

    Adventures in ESP8266 land (1/n)

    Given Blue Opal’s data network is linked to a ShipModul that beacons the data on a wireless network, I felt like it would be kind of neat to build my own data logger that can log all the data that the ShipModul is broadcasting. As mentioned in another post, I currently use iNavX on an…

  • Driving a PiHut Christmas Tree

    The default program suggested for the PiHut Christmas Tree makes the lights flash rapidly, all at once. This was headache inducing, so I modded the code to provide me with something a bit more relaxing. My Pi has trouble setting one of the GPIO pins high (it’ll go high once, turn off, and then flicker…