Category: Code

  • Sending engine RPMs to the network, 3/x

    Sending engine RPMs to the network, 3/x

    A small re-write of the sender into a Click driven CLI, making hard-codes into CLI arguments.

  • Sending engine RPMs to the NMEA bus, 2/x

    Sending engine RPMs to the NMEA bus, 2/x

    It turns out that iNavX doesn’t support rendering ERRPM; it only supports the NMEA 2000 variant, PGN 127488. This led me down the path of trying to work out if I could send PGNs to the MiniPlex3 via the WiFi interface. The answer is sort of yes – you can send a specially crafted 0183…

  • Sending engine RPMs to the NMEA bus, 1/x

    Whilst Dad was visiting, we put his portable oscilloscope across the two terminals on the back of the tachometer, and found a very nice mV signal that changes frequency with engine revolutions. This means that a bit of circuitry plus a microcontroller will enable me to push the rev count to the boat data network.…

  • Indexing my books โ€“ part two

    Indexing my books – part two

    VBA is a horrible thing to work with; mostly because the development environment (if you can call it that) built in to Office 2013 stinks. You get lovely errors like “Access denied” when using the HTTP request component, or “-91”. So, with a lot of looking things up on StackOverflow and other sources, I’ve re-written…

  • Indexing my books

    Indexing my books

    I’m currently packing books into boxes, in preparation for January, when I expect to be moving out of this apartment and in to a house a little way up the road. It occurred to me that it’d be nice to have an index of my books – at least the titles. I’ve borrowed a barcode…

  • Adventures with FreeSWITCH and FusionPBX part drei

    Adventures with FreeSWITCH and FusionPBX part drei

    So, DISA, direct inward system access. Plenty of documentation, sort of, on the ‘net about how to get FreeSWITCH to do it via editing XML. However, if you’re using FusionPBX, then you’re actually writing to a Postgres database, which is compiled to XML on the fly (I think) when FreeSWITCH does something that would access…