Category: Code

  • Rebuilding Cricalix.Net – Part 2

    Rebuilding Cricalix.Net – Part 2

    LXD’s Documentation It’s mostly decent. It’s got a lot of detail on what all of the configuration sections are and generally provides examples. What I find missing is a set of practical documentation that guides someone through getting started with LXD – weaving together all of the configuration for devices, proxies, storage volumes, profiles and…

  • Rebuilding Cricalix.Net – Part 1

    Rebuilding Cricalix.Net – Part 1

    I’ve been hosting and other domains on Linode for years. There have been a few hiccups over that time-frame, but it’s generally been smooth sailing. The current VPS runs NGINX for web hosting (it was Apache until earlier this year), Postfix for SMTP, Courier for IMAP, and OpenVPN for VPN. Everything runs on one…

  • Colour-cycling a Christmas Star

    Colour-cycling a Christmas Star

    A few years ago, at a Christmas market in Germany, I bought myself two pack-flat cardboard stars. They’re meant to use a specific light fitting, but in 2019 I bodged them on top of some simple bedside lamps from Woodies, and in 2020 I hung one using a USB cable that was connected to a…

  • Getting and displaying tide data

    Getting and displaying tide data

    The DMYC has an IP camera pointed at the slip; the URL is very creative, it’s Through the power of a Python script that knows how to talk to Twitter and another API, the image that gets sent to a browser has an overlay at the bottom with the current wind data from the…

  • Eir F3000 (F@st 5366) pains redux

    With Eir being unreachable via phone, I decided to poke the router they sent me, to see if I could tamper with the request that was causing issues. Basically, in the set of four requests that were XHR’d over to the router, I wanted to drop the first one. First stop, a tick in Firefox’s…

  • PlantUML, sequence diagrams

    PlantUML, sequence diagrams

    Today I learned that the diagram style that shows two or more vertical lines with actions going from line to line is called a sequence diagram, and it’s a UML thing (we never got in to UML when I was in college). Then I discovered PlantUML, which takes plain text input (like Graphviz dot files),…