Month: August 2020

  • A weekend adventure (and a lifeboat shout)

    A weekend adventure (and a lifeboat shout)

    Earlier in the month, I had decided that I’d try a jaunt down the coast to see how far I could get on a single ebb tide, and then I’d come back up on the flood; I estimated that it’d basically be a day spent sailing, and that I could reach Wicklow Head. The forecast…

  • Getting and displaying tide data

    Getting and displaying tide data

    The DMYC has an IP camera pointed at the slip; the URL is very creative, it’s Through the power of a Python script that knows how to talk to Twitter and another API, the image that gets sent to a browser has an overlay at the bottom with the current wind data from the…

  • Sunday fiddling

    Sunday fiddling

    I was going to slip Blue Opal today, but ended up offering my slot to another boat that needed the slot more than I did. After being boatman for a bit, and having a good chinwag over a cuppa with some other members (boats, COVID, parasites, and other topics) I went out to the boat…

  • Wiring in the B600s โ€“ Saturday

    Wiring in the B600s – Saturday

    I spent part of Friday, and most of Saturday working on getting the AIS unit integrated into Blue Opal’s network, measuring the output of the engine tachometer, and generally fiddling with the electrical wiring locker (tidying it mostly). The end result is that the locker is tidier, the B600s is mounted properly in the locker,…

  • Wiring in the B600s โ€“ Friday

    Wiring in the B600s – Friday

    I spent part of Friday, and most of Saturday working on getting the AIS unit integrated into Blue Opal’s network, measuring the output of the engine tachometer, and generally fiddling with the electrical wiring locker (tidying it mostly). The end result is that the locker is tidier, the B600s is mounted properly in the locker,…

  • Alarm sentences from the B600s

    Alarm sentences from the B600s

    The B600s emits some custom sentences to indicate that there are problems (and also turns on a LED labeled “Err”). Some begin with PAMC, others with AIALR. If I remember the NMEA spec correctly, P* are proprietary, so PAMC is Proprietary AMC (Alltek Marine also call themselves AMEC). $PAMC,R,TXT,010,Power anomalies:0.00V*56 $PAMC,R,TXT,200,GPS antenna is not detected*75…