Month: April 2018

  • Conwy to Dun Laoghaire

  • Battery diagram for Blue Opal

    Battery diagram for Blue Opal

    Courtesy of Dad, I have an easy-to-maintain set of wiring diagrams for Blue Opal. These diagrams are built using a text format called dot, and turned into an image automatically using Graphviz. The source for this particular diagram can be found here. [graphviz] graph hierarchy{ node [shape=record, fontname=”Arial”,fontsize=8, style=filled]; edge [penwidth=3]; label=”Blue Opal Wiring Diagram:…

  • Further work with the Sterling ProSplit R

    Further work with the Sterling ProSplit R

    Sunday saw more work on the installation of the ProSplit R; I had already got all of the terminals wired up by Saturday, or so I thought. However, it turns out that I’d missed the part in the instructions about the positive terminal that needs a take-off from the D+/61/L terminal of the alternator (as…

  • Sterling ProSplit R mounting template

    Sterling ProSplit R mounting template

    When documenting the various power cables that run through Blue Opal, I checked the output voltage of the alternator, and the voltage flowing in to the batteries. There was approximately a 1V drop, which comes from the diode splitter that was fitted years ago. Since I’m not in a marina, or otherwise on shore power,…

  • Poking a BT Mini Broadband Hotspot 600

    Poking a BT Mini Broadband Hotspot 600

    The signal from my broadband router is pretty poor by the time it reaches the bedroom at the other end of the apartment, so a number of years ago I bought a BT Homespot 600 (mini edition). It does the job, though various devices (mostly those by a certain fruit company) think that they should…

  • New fender ropes

    New fender ropes

    The collection of fenders for Blue Opal had everything from 4 mm braid on braid (a recent acquisition after the storms that went through Ireland) to 10 mm three-strand. Some of it was stiff, another was completely frayed. A nice little job today, while I was off sick, was sitting down with a length of…