Tag: autohelm

  • Boat network and radio upgrades

    Boat network and radio upgrades

    While out sailing with my parents and K over the weekend just gone (sailing through three regatta fleets is fun!), Dad was working on hooking up the external speaker in Blue Opal’s cockpit to the M323G radio

  • Autohelm – fixed!

    Autohelm – fixed!

    I had hoped to get this sorted before my parents and K visited for the Volvo Dun Laoghaire Regatta, but alas this was not to be so. On the first day K was here, we emptied out the port locker, and she went down the hole to see what could be done. Turns out the…

  • Of broken winches and autopilots

    Of broken winches and autopilots

    While out sailing over the weekend, two things decided to go crunch and sproing respectively. The stripper ring in the port sheet winch went crunch; this became evident when the sheet in the self-tailer guide suddenly went under the lift arm, and doubled up in the self-tailer. I cleared the jam, and found bits of…