Tag: 42

  • Another drive bites the dust

    The title of this post is actually slightly inaccurate – in the past 15 years, the number of hard drive failures my personal hardware has had (as opposed to hardware I’ve worked with) can be counted on one hand, two if my memory is a bit off. This morning, I had reason to thank the…

  • The pain of upgrades

    It is a given that an upgrade normally breaks something.  Take, for instance, the upgrade of my laptop from Kubuntu 7.04 to Kubuntu 7.10.  7.04 didn’t play nice with my NVidia video card – it’s an older card, so the legacy driver was needed.  To get things working, I ended up removing files and editing…

  • Server Migration part Deux

    With the web side of my mail and web migrated to a Xen VPS, I spent this weekend moving my mail services across. SASL gave me grief, as it usually does.  I’m not sure whether it was the plain or md5 SASL extension that solved my problem in the end (I’m using MySQL as the…

  • Amy MacDonald

    Every now and then, I wander up to Sainsbury’s supermarket during my lunch hour; usually accompanying Mike and Jason (two gents I work with).  Mike has a habit of picking up one CD or DVD every week, and one day it rubbed off on me, and I picked up Amy MacDonald’s This Is The Life…

  • Site Migration and an Odd Incident

    Well, I’ve finally decided to move my site off of my DSL connection and on to a VPS. I’ll be running regular backups with a tool like rsync-backup to bring any changes back down to my internal systems. For now, mail still comes to my DSL, but the web side has been migrated out to…

  • Ghost – say what?

    I did a disk capacity check a few days ago, and found to my surprise that of my 320 GB RAID, only 60 GB was free.  So, a pair of 500 GB drives have been ordered, and I’ll need to migrate my whole system from the 320 to the 500 array (and use the 320…