
  • Back in Dun Laoghaire

    Back in Dun Laoghaire

    Blue Opal is back in the water. Launched her on Thursday, and got the mast stepped in the correct slot this time (it had been mounted forwards one notch for the last few years). We put the cap shrouds on the wrong deck points initially, and wondered why the tension was as high as it…

  • American dates and brokerages

    American dates and brokerages

    Yes, I’m looking at you Schwab. BrokerageStatementDDMMYYACCT.pdf is not a sane filename.

  • Pre-lift status

    Pre-lift status

    Well, itโ€™s almost lift-in time. Didnโ€™t get everything done at the yard that I wanted done (mechanic off sick for months, knee issues), but a few things were done. First up, the hull polish. Cove strip and boot stripe were cleaned off and replaced, and the seal between the hull and the toe rail cap…

  • Running Kubuntu under Hyper-V with xRDP

    Running Kubuntu under Hyper-V with xRDP

    I’m playing with the latest version of Kubuntu (21.10 as of writing) in a Hyper-V VM to see what the current state of Linux on the Desktop is, and to work out if I want to switch back to running Linux as my main OS (it was my main OS in college, in the early…

  • Making a MFT-clone surface

    Making a MFT-clone surface

    A while ago, I bought the UJK multi-function workbench to use in the workshop while I pondered the issue of setting up my own custom bench. The UJK bench is decent, though the stability of the trestle legs leaves a bit to be desired – sturdy and resistant to rocking they are not. However, it…

  • Progress on the workshop

    Progress on the workshop

    With some help from Mum over Christmas, the workshop is in a near functional state. Bench is built, backing for a cleat wall is installed, and the MDF top for the bench went on yesterday. I tried to be fancy with the way the legs attached to the aprons, but reversed the direction of wood…