A visit to the National Botanic Gardens

Saturday gone, K and I hopped on a bus to go to Ireland’s National Botanic Gardens at Glasnevin in Dublin. It’s a 10 minute walk to the terminus of the line just south-west of where I live, and about an hour on the bus to reach Glasnevin. The view from the top level of the bus is quite nice; the #4 goes through parts of Dublin that I’ve not seen before.

We spent a few hours there, taking photos. The squirrels were in rambunctious form; it’s mating season for them, and they were chittering and chasing each other all around a bunch of trees. There’s also a nice vegetable/herb section in the gardens with a very friendly cat, a woodland/forest type section, and a “Wild Ireland” preserve (and more). All photos are with a Nikon D750 using the Nikkor 105mm macro lens.

We opted to have lunch at McMahon’s of Botanic Avenue – a small cafe with a pretty nice covered area out back. Sandwiches, soups, cake, tea/coffee, and ice cream all on offer. After lunch, we went back into the Gardens for a bit, so that K could do some studying under a tree in peace and quiet. Then back to the bus stop for another #4 bus, and a short walk home.